Old & New Testament Survey
Old & New Testament Survey
Old Testament
In just ten 30-minute lessons with Dr. Hindson, this survey course is designed to lay a foundational understanding of Scripture via a historical survey of the Old Testaments. The student will engage a range of learning activities related to the issues interacting with biblical literature, basic hermeneutical principles, key themes and persons of the canon, and the redemptive theme of Scripture.
New Testament
This survey course is designed to lay a foundational understanding of Scripture via a historical survey of the New Testaments. In just ten 30-minute lessons with Dr. Hindson, the student will engage a range of learning activities related to the issues interacting with biblical literature, basic hermeneutical principles, key themes and persons of the canon, and the redemptive theme of Scripture.
This course material includes: Transcript Book (which are the spoken words of Dr. Hindson straight from the video of each lesson), Student Guide (which is in outline format to correspond with the lessons and lines for your personal notes), DVD (video of each lesson), CD Rom (which includes MP3 of each lesson and PDFs for printout of materials), Quiz Booklet and Quiz Sheet (which give the quizzes for each lesson) and a self-addressed Return Envelope for mailing your quiz.